2008年10月22日 星期三

~ 蓬蓬樂園部落格開張了 ~

當過漫畫助手,畫過電視節目卡通原畫,寫過公益歌曲,唱過演唱會,作過唱片專輯,主持過廣播節目……。目前為自由創作人。創作內容包括漫畫、兒童繪本、音樂、文字及詩歌。喜歡科幻精神與溫和式的幽默情節,作品帶有濃厚的童趣和對真善美的禮讚。擅長以小故事或簡單文字搭配繪圖來表達,並且能即興創作歌曲,堅持「信仰就是生活」, 視上帝為「救命恩神」與「至聖鮮師」。作品有:【天父】【禱告】【愛】【家有五寶】(國立編譯館優良漫畫第二名)【胖國王】(榮獲信誼基金會幼兒文學獎)【瘦皇后】【眼鏡公主】(童歌CD)【胖國王&瘦皇后】(童歌CD)【心靈的翅膀】(歌唱CD)【愛的頌歌】(歌唱CD)【天亮了不怕】(歌唱CD, 獲新聞局優良有聲出版品) 2007出版童書:東東村的雙胞胎感謝;說話;我 2008出版童書:節制;溫柔;信實

As the winner of the National Prime Comic Strips Award, freelancer Pamela P. C. Chang has a rich reservoir of unique experiences; she has worked as a cartoonist, a comic illustrator for TV programs, a radio show host, and has performed her own albums in concerts. Her major pieces of works include comic strips, illustrated children's books, and gospel music characterized by great imagination and humor. She is the recipient of Hsin-Yi Literature for the Young Award for "The Fat King". Pamela also has a talent for creating impromptu music and lyrics. It is her first conviction that faith must be lived out in real life. To Chang God is her life savior and best mentor. Her most well known works include books: Five Youngersters in a Home I & II, God, Prayer, Love, The Skinny Queen, The Eyeglasses Princess, and The Cavity Prince, and music albums: Wings of Heart, Songs with Love, and Dawning.

◆ 很喜歡:畫畫、音樂、藝術、大自然、旅遊、閱讀、新奇事物……
◆ 很欣賞:高帝、百水、蓋瑞的建築、印象派的繪畫(特別是莫內)、奧黛立赫本的造型。
◆ 喜歡吃:芋頭、蒸蛋、馬鈴薯泥、魚類……凡是對健康有益的食物,不過覺得冰淇淋和布丁也很美味啦!
◆ 最喜愛的電視影集:清秀佳人。
